Fund formation
As one of the few players in this niche market we possess the specialised knowledge and experience necessary to set up alternative investment funds (including venture capital, private equity and real estate).
Fund formation begins with advising on an efficient structure, taking into account the commercial and fiscal interests of both the investors and the fund managers. In addition to determining the desired structure for the fund and the carried interest, we advise on VAT and the wage tax aspects of management organisation. We always strive to achieve a pragmatic and transparent structure without unnecessary complexity. If desired, we seek advance clearance from the Dutch tax authorities.
As all-round fund specialists we are able to take the lead and perform a co-ordinating role in the entire tax and legal process right through to the final closing of the fund. By collaborating with specialised lawyers and notaries we are able to provide the total package of legal services required (tax advice, drafting of fund documentation, incorporation of fund entities, AIFMD advice).
Due to our work with various international institutional and informal investors we are well aware of their specific tax interests and commercial preferences, which we take into account when advising on fund structures.
We have ample experience on advising international fund managers on the structuring possibilities for their funds in the Netherlands. Our broad international focus and network of foreign (tax) law firms contribute to providing solid and efficient advice.
Amstone Tax Lawyers is an associate member of the Dutch private equity and venture capital association (NVP).